środa, 4 lipca 2012

My concept of successful life

Life that we live is the most important gift we have ever received. It is vital to spend it in harmony with our conscience and people we share our life with. Everyone has his own concept of life and aims he tries to reach.
Nowadays, not only does the social position or degree of education indicate the range of success life. These days money is a crucial factor that determines the success. So it is rather obvious that most of young people associate their concept for life with money.
This topic forced me to think of my concept for successful living. I have to admit it was the first time I considered my very future life. At my age the image of real life is rather faint. We have no opportunities to try it out. Everything we know is just what we hear from parents or see around.
Personally I adopted some general aims. These are studies, work and family. I am aware of the fact that my future plans are not original, but for me are a base on which I will try to settle my life. I expect my degree to give me a well-paid, satisfying and interesting job, but I would like to emphasize that money isn't all I'm looking forward. In my opinion the most essential part of human's life is family. It should be a springboard from ordinary and common problems and complications. I hope I would find support and understanding in my family.
Summing up, I'd like to say that present has come up with very harmful fashion that people try to find their happiness in earning as much money as they only can. I believe that my future life will not be a race for higher salary and hope to find lucky future.

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